2012年12月28日 星期五

What aquatic reptile can i add to my fresh water aquarium community?

Question by Vladkid: What aquatic reptile can i add to my fresh water aquarium community? im planning to add at least 1 aquatic reptile to my fish tank. my aquarium is 10 gallons already and i have 9 black sail fin mollies and 2 rainbow sharks and 1 peco. im trying to enhance my aquarium's biodiversity. is it ok if i still add one more aquatic reptile without harming the other fish? what pet is ideal? insights pls :) :) thanks Best answer:

Answer by Karl Johnson
I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you put in a caiman, croc, or turtle that can eat alot of fish or go after any fish they see like a Red Eared Slider then your fish are screwed. If you want an aquatic turtle then you would really want to put in in a different tank beside being with the fish. NOW, you can add feeder fish (Rosy Red Minnows) to them so they can have at least some fish to eat. Other than that don't put an aquatic reptile like a freshwater turtle. I'm just given you a heads up on that.

Read more... http://questionandanswer.reviewshop.org/beauty/what-aquatic-reptile-can-i-add-to-my-fresh-water-aquarium-community.html

