2012年12月28日 星期五

[Q&A][makeupblog.net]:What is the global market size or value for itchy skin creams and bath oils?

Question by SchoolSparkle4U: What is the global market size or value for itchy skin creams and bath oils? I would like to know the market size or market share for skin creams/bath oils that treat itchy skin. Not necessarily sensitive but just itchy skin. Creams that have menthol in them can be of help. I would like to know if the market value is worth USD$ 1billion or more or less. Best answer:

Answer by Jamie Steeles
My first stop would be wikipedia or google for a quick reference. I actually had a similar question not even 5 days ago, but I couldn't find the answer. If it's possible, try getting help from someone with more knowledge/experience/expertise, like a professional if it's possible. This can be pretty important. I saw a forum with this online, but I didn't have time to read it all. Try checking it out. I want to help out more, but I'm not 100% sure about the answer. Sorry I'm not much help. I hope you found your answer! Good luck! JS http://en.wikipedia.org/ http://www.google.ca/ http://ask.com/

Read more... http://questionandanswer.reviewshop.org/beauty/qamakeupblog-netwhat-is-the-global-market-size-or-value-for-itchy-skin-creams-and-bath-oils.html

