2012年12月28日 星期五

How does the UK border agency catch illegal immigrants?

Question by Daniel: How does the UK border agency catch illegal immigrants? What does the UK border agency do to catch illegal immigrants. Also, what is meant when the UK border agency finds an illegal immigrant by intelligence? I am just curious. I don't plan to ever be an illegal immigrant, since it is wrong and it ruins the British Culture. Best answer:

Answer by James
The UKBA - or United Kingdom Border Agency catches Illegal Immigrants in the thousands every year. They usually work under anonymous tip-offs informing them of factories, labor workers etc; however they are legally obligated to to random searches on property which they suspect may be housing more than is legally granted. But 90% of the time, the UKBA operate in places of travel, e.g. Airports, Ports etc, catching Illegal immigrants though false passport and VISA checks.

Read more... http://questionandanswer.reviewshop.org/beauty/how-does-the-uk-border-agency-catch-illegal-immigrants.html

