Answer by Lacey G
When you are renting from family you do have to take into consideration what type of conditions the family member is putting on you. If you are renting from grandma and she is a very uptight no sex before marriage type of gal, but she's letting you rent the pool house for 50 bucks a month, you may have to suck it up and have your trysts elsewhere. It is best when renting from family to anticipate these kind of issue and write the expectations into the lease from the beginning. If the two homes are not connected in anyway, then any activity that goes on in the rental home should be okay, provided that it is legal and doesn't disturb the people in the other house. In any rental situation, there is a difference between a guest and an unregistered tenant. The standard is that anyone staying more than 10 nights in a month is a tenant and must be on the lease. the law recognizes that anyone who has slept somewhere for 14 consecutive nights and has received mail is a tenant and must be legally evicted if they refuse to leave. Be sure you try to find out why your relative is taking issue with your overnight guest. If they are just trying to decide who you date, then that's something you should address with the lease, or move. But it may be more of an issue of them covering themselves legally. And if the two homes are adjoined, keep in mind that anyone you invite into your home potentially has access to theirs, and vice versa