2012年3月29日 星期四

[Camera Pictures: select:Sony DC|Sony DC|Cool Sony Dc images|Nice Sony Dc photos]

Some cool Sony dc images:

Sony DC Sony dc
Image by iluetkeb The camera I use at work, a Sony EVI-D31. It does pan (rotation), tilt (up-down) and has a fairly good zoom, all remote controlled. Only TV out, though, which is why we're using a Firewire converter to run it. Yes, I should dust it ;-)

SONY DC Sony dc
Image by 宇中蜃楼 在万得城MediaMarket中,Sony的某台长焦。光学变焦30x。感觉不大好看。C360_2011-10-17 19-00-43

Oh My Sony DC-AD-2-Little Girl in Big World Sony dc
Image by marsbelle It's not official AD Poster,Just enjoy myself

Read more... http://www.digitalcamerareviewblogs.info/dc/camera-pictures-selectsony-dcsony-dccool-sony-dc-imagesnice-sony-dc-photos.html

