2013年8月27日 星期二

iPhone 5 C 只售3000元?


每次新一代iPhone的日子來臨,風就吹過不停。據消息指,Apple於下個月10日將舉行的發表會上,推出新一代iPhone 5S及另一款廉價版iPhone 5C,有媒體表示已取得兩款機身外殼,經實測iPhone 5C外殼具有防刮設計,硬度比一般的防刮保護貼還高。

顏色部分,目前的消息均顯示iPhone 5C具有多彩外殼,但到底有多少種顏色尚未確認,有白、黃、綠、藍、橘五色,有外媒傳出的顏色為白、紅、綠、藍、黃五色,也有一說為黑、白、紅、黃、藍、 綠六色。iPhone 5S的顏色消息較為一致,據信為黑、白及香檳金三色。 售價方面,有指iPhone 5C將約為300-400美元(約3000港元)。

iPhone 5C傳聞部分規格

螢幕 4吋
解析度 1136×640
相機 800萬畫素
其他 指紋辨識、NFC近距離無線通訊



Read more... http://www.iphone6relesedate.com/iphone-5-c-%e5%8f%aa%e5%94%ae3000%e5%85%83/

iPhone 5 C 只售3000元?


每次新一代iPhone的日子來臨,風就吹過不停。據消息指,Apple於下個月10日將舉行的發表會上,推出新一代iPhone 5S及另一款廉價版iPhone 5C,有媒體表示已取得兩款機身外殼,經實測iPhone 5C外殼具有防刮設計,硬度比一般的防刮保護貼還高。

顏色部分,目前的消息均顯示iPhone 5C具有多彩外殼,但到底有多少種顏色尚未確認,有白、黃、綠、藍、橘五色,有外媒傳出的顏色為白、紅、綠、藍、黃五色,也有一說為黑、白、紅、黃、藍、 綠六色。iPhone 5S的顏色消息較為一致,據信為黑、白及香檳金三色。 售價方面,有指iPhone 5C將約為300-400美元(約3000港元)。

iPhone 5C傳聞部分規格

螢幕 4吋
解析度 1136×640
相機 800萬畫素
其他 指紋辨識、NFC近距離無線通訊



Read more... http://www.iphone6relesedate.com/iphone-5-c-%e5%8f%aa%e5%94%ae3000%e5%85%83/

2013年8月21日 星期三

What alternative medicine has been proven to be the most effective?

Question by Mister Gutsy: What alternative medicine has been proven to be the most effective? I understand different types of alternative medicine are used to treat different ailments. But in general what type of alternative medicine is the most effective at treating what it purports to cure? For your answer can you give an example of the type of ailment and what it is exactly that the alternative medicine does to cure it so I have a better understanding? Best answer:

Answer by Gary Y
"BETHESDA, Md. — Ten years ago the government set out to test herbal and other alternative health remedies to find the ones that work. After spending $ 2.5 billion, the disappointing answer seems to be that almost none of them do. Echinacea for colds. Ginkgo biloba for memory. Glucosamine and chondroitin for arthritis. Black cohosh for menopausal hot flashes. Saw palmetto for prostate problems. Shark cartilage for cancer. All proved no better than dummy pills in big studies funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The lone exception: ginger capsules may help chemotherapy nausea." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31190909/#.Tsm47rLhdtM ------- EDIT: @playground love - SJW has not been "proven" effective. From the NCCAM: "Studies suggest that St. John's wort is of minimal benefit in treating major depression. A study cofunded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) found that St. John's wort was no more effective than placebo in treating major depression of moderate severity. There is some scientific evidence that St. John's wort is useful for milder forms of depression." Also: http://neuroskeptic.blogspot.com/2009/07/st-johns-wort-perfect-antidepressant-if.html However, it may well be the "alternative medicine has been proven to be the most effective", as asked. Naturopathy may be evidence based, but that does not mean the evidence is any good. Numerous naturopaths all over the world offer homeopathy.

Read more... http://questionandanswer.reviewshop.org/what-alternative-medicine-has-been-proven-to-be-the-most-effective/