2012年11月22日 星期四
Read more... http://www.gagsay.com/%e9%80%99%e4%ba%9b%e4%ba%8b%e5%bf%83%e7%9f%a5%e8%82%9a%e6%98%8e%e4%ba%86/
2012年11月20日 星期二
2012年11月16日 星期五
2012年11月7日 星期三
[New iphone apps] Update: Jack and Jill: A Toddler Adventure Lite (Games)
Jack and Jill: A Toddler Adventure Lite 2.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.4 -> 2.0 (iTunes)
Jack and JIll HD is an interactive and educational toddler game that is everything a parent could look for in a children's application. Explore an immersive and educational world with Jack and Jill throughout several exhilarating mini games. Get full version - No Ads, New Scenes and future game updates! ★Sing-a-long! - Sing and play with original music based on the classic nursery rhyme Jack and Jill. All music is original and created for the different scenes of the app! ★Explore! - Interact with the surrounding nature in our "Sightsee" game. Sightsee is a revolutionary educational tool that is the advancement of a picture book. Click on anything you see and the game teaches you what that is called. It can be anything in the scene! ★Candlestick -How many candlesticks can you grab for Jack? Jack jump over the candlestick! ★Puzzles! - Solve a series of different puzzles and make the animals appear on the screen. Fun, educational and exciting, Puzzles is sure to be one of your toddler's favorite educational games! ★Sightsee! -Look across the world of Jack and Jill, learn names of flora and fauna, what do you see? ★Bop it! -How many animals can you bop?!? *Created by parents for parents with toddlers, Jack and Jill HD is a tasteful, interactive musical book, based upon the popular nursery song. Join Jack and Jill running up the hill, interact with animals, solve puzzles and explore in nature! Take a Look at other educational children's apps by Tiger Stripes! - A Princess Tale: An Interactive Book- Mary's Little Lamb- Twinkle Little Star- Working on the Railroad: Train Your ToddlerTiger Stripes LLC is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families. Recommended Ages: 1-3, 4-7 Categories: Early Learning, Matching, Music, Games
What's New
Our Biggest Update Yet! To Celebrate the new release of our latest app, "TigerTunes" we have given all our users tons of new content and two more unique games!★ New and amazing Up The Hill Content for iPad!★ Featuring Boat Races!!!! ★ New Bop it Game and awesome scorekeeping for the little ones!★ Tons of new characters, animations, sounds and fun content*Most of the new material is for the iPad, but there are plenty of new updates to enjoy on your iPhone too!!!
Jack and Jill: A Toddler Adventure Lite
Read more... http://freeiphoneappsgames.iphone5releasenews.info/new-iphone-apps-update-jack-and-jill-a-toddler-adventure-lite-games/
[Popular Updated Apps]Update: UglyBooth (Entertainment)
UglyBooth 1.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Entertainment
Price: $ .99, Version: 1.0.1 -> 1.1 (iTunes)
★NEW APP by the creators of AgingBooth, FatBooth (Top 25 All-Time Paid Apps), BaldBooth & MixBooth★You don't feel pretty when you look in a mirror!? Don't worry, it could be worse… much worse! Find out with UglyBooth, an amazing and funny way to instantly make faces ugly on your iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad.Use UglyBooth on friends, family, colleagues or celebrities photos and share the result via email, MMS, FaceBook, Twitter.Features:• Works with photos taken with your iPhone camera or from your photo library or your Facebook albums• Choose a face among many on the same photo (iOS 5 or later)• Auto-cropping using face detection• Transformation process is instant with no internet connection needed• Shake iPhone to see before and after views• Scroll results into the app gallery• Save results to your photo library• Share with your friends via MMS (once saved to your library) or email, FaceBook, Twitter (iOS 5 or later)UglyBooth is made for entertainment purposes only.© PiVi & Co 2012Photos credits : fotolia.com © Yuri Arcurs / © CURAphotography / © Rui Vale de Sousa / © soupstock / © Jörg Hackemann / © Olga Vasilkova / © Farina3000 / © wtamas / © serov
What's New
Combine "aging" or "fat" or "bald" effects with UglyBooth!Requires prior installation of AgingBooth or FatBooth or BaldBooth.
Read more... http://freeiphoneappsgames.iphone5releasenews.info/popular-updated-appsupdate-uglybooth-entertainment/
[Popular New Apps]言葉の罠―仕掛ける・動かす・味方に変える (Books)
言葉の罠―仕掛ける・動かす・味方に変える 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Books
Price: $ 11.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
iPhone iPad電子書籍 『言葉の罠―仕掛ける・動かす・味方に変える』 スマホアプリ★たった10秒で「人を動かす」7つの仕掛けがここにある!★言葉を飼い慣らせば、どんな相手でも味方に変えられます!★状況を思い通りにコントロールする、効果的な言葉の使い方をマスターしましょう!●恋をあやつるために ⇒ ニセの一体感をあおる「私たち」を有効に使う!●「信頼」が作り物かどうかを見抜く ⇒ 簡単に弱点をさらしたり、謙虚なタイプはお要注意!●相手にイエスと言わせるために ⇒ イエスと答えられる質問を続ける!●何かを決定させたい時は ⇒ 二者択一にして選ばせる!●面倒な事を頼む時 ⇒ 「お任せします」で相手の責任感、達成感を煽る!――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――言葉の裏が読めないと、都合のいい様に利用されたり、騙されたりしてしまいます!言葉の罠を見抜く技術と、こちらから仕掛ける賢さを身に付けましょう!――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――★ビジネスや恋愛等、どんな状況でも優位に立つ事ができる!上司や取引先、気になる異性等、性格や行動が読めない人間関係において、少しでも有利に状況を進める為のノウハウを伝授します!■目次・はじめに●第1章 もし「恋」があやつられているとしたら?──二股言葉・ドキドキしちゃう──体を心にすり替える・私たち──ニセの一体感をあおる・私も好きですね──間接的に告白する・休みの日は何を?──親密さを無意識に植えつける・偶然ですね!──運命を装って接近する・彼(彼女)は素敵だ──嫉妬心を刺激する・あなただけ──特別扱いをして手玉に取る・初めてなの──独占欲を刺激する定番言葉・苦労させちゃうね──執着心に訴える・私なんて──甘えたい気持ちをほのめかす・何もしないから──下心を隠す古典的セリフ○会話に使えるコラム 知らない自分に気づく●第2章 もし「忠告」が真っ赤なウソだとしたら?──毒針言葉・いつでも相談してくれ──「誰がお前の話なんか」・手伝えることある?──「私はいい人だろう?」・君だからこそ頼む──「オレ様はこんな仕事はしたくないんだよ」・思い通りにやれ──「勝手をすると許さんぞ」・君らしくない──「調子に乗るな!」・君が一番がんばった──「君の真の理解者は私だ」・君のためを思って言うんだ──「オレの利害にふれるなよ」・心配だ──「オレって気配りすごいよな」・残念──「ラッキー!」・申しわけありません──「早くこの話題を終わらせたい」・言いにくいんですが──「よく聞きなさい」・今、大丈夫?──「ノーとは言わせないよ」○会話に使えるコラム 瞬間的に気分を高揚させる●第3章 もし「二枚舌」のさらに裏があるとしたら?──キャバクラ言葉・続きはあとで──ゼイガルニーク効果・急ぎません──カリギュラ効果・夢で見たんだけど──アースク・イフ話法・偉いなあ──言い聞かせ効果・今度ね──真逆言語・その日は予定がある──優越感話法・ごめんなさい、実は──初頭効果・三〇分遅れそう──マイナスプラス効果○会話に使えるコラム アサーティヴに伝える●第4章 もし「信頼」がつくりものだとしたら?──誘導言葉・からっきしダメなんです──「私を信じなさい」・要するに──「あなたより頭いいんだからね」・四時一〇分にしましょう──「私はきちんとした人間でしてね」・勉強になりました──「ね。私は謙虚でしょ?」・日経新聞に載ってたが──「どうだ。反論できないだろう」・部長がほめてたよ──「伝えた私もいい奴でしょ」・ムリかもしれないが──「本来はすごいんですよ」・普通は言いません──「私は本物ですよ」・ぼちぼちです──「仲よくしましょうよ」・息子がね──「損はさせませんよ」・私はダメだと思ったんだけど──「責めないで下さいよ」○会話に使えるコラム わざと少し怒らせる●第5章 もし「意志」が筋書き通りにされていたら?──セールス言葉・あと一ついいですか──リラックス話法・簡単ですよね──ローボール・テクニック・じゃ、こうしましょう──ドア・イン・ザ・フェイス・こちらはお安いですよ──印象残存効果・その分お高くなっています──両面提示・一日わずか五〇〇円玉一枚です──スライスハム方式・そうですよね──イエステイキング法・どっちがいい?──二者択一法・私はこうだけど、あなたは?──誘い出し話法・お任せします──責任押しつけ法・教えて下さい──ヨイショ戦術・好きなんです──高等ヨイショ戦術・在庫僅少でして──リアクタンス話術・みなさん購入してますよ──同調行動○会話に使えるコラム 依頼は疑問形で●第6章 もし「感情」が利用されているとしたら?──暗示言葉・君はそんな人なんだ──「そんな人になれよ」・面白いだろ?──「笑わないと不協和を起こすよ」・ムリだよね──「足を引っ張ってやる」・結局は○○なんだ──「長所はないね」・絶対うまくいきます──「失敗させたいなあ」・期待してますよ──「押しつぶされてしまえ」・○○しなさい──「ロボットになるんだよ」・一番ダメだった──「たたきつぶしてやる」・気にしないで──「見返りはないのか?」・一緒にがんばろう──「裏切るなよ」・信じているわ──「忠誠を尽くしてよ」○会話に使えるコラム 好かれるためには好きになる●第7章 もし「会話」がごまかされているとしたら?──かけひき言葉・なぜそんなこと聞くの?──逆質問でごまかす・デートしてたんだ──本当のことを言って逃げる・うれしい!──感情問題にしてしまう・友だちの例だけど──第三者のことにして探りを入れる・いると思います?──疑心暗鬼に陥らせて終わらせる・おっしゃる通りです──わかったふりをしてごまかす・なぜなら──論理を装ってごまかす・冗談ばっかり!──受け流してあいまいにする・あ、違う違う──深層心理をちらりと見せる・運が悪かったんだ──責任をあいまいにして逃げる○会話に使えるコラム 上手な人は「仮定質問」が巧み著 者 松本 幸夫アプリ製作会社、株式会社アドベンチャーiPhone電子書籍ランキング1位を獲得したアプリが45書籍以上ありhttp://iphone.adventure-inc.co.jp/
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[Popular New Apps]Sci-Fi Heroes (Games)
Sci-Fi Heroes 1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1 (iTunes)
Download the @FreeAppADay.com Store App and wish for more top rated paid apps like Sci-Fi Heroes to be featured on FAAD!BECOME YOUR FAVORITE SCI-FI HERO! PLAY FOR FREE!Far in the FUTURE… or the PAST… it doesn't really matter. The point is play as SPACE MARINES, TECHNOMANCERS, SENTIENT ROBOT BEINGS and MORE in SCI-FI HEROES!Face INSURMOUNTABLE odds and take control of these brave SCI-FI UNDERDOGS to help restore peace and KICK some serious evil Space Horde BUTT.Features include:•Iconic Sci-Fi Heroes – Players can choose from eight unique mercenaries torn from the greatest traditions of Sci-Fi: Space Marine, Animal Trainer, Space Cowboy, Priest, Id Master, Exxo, Healbot and Technomancer.•Build the Ultimate Team of Heroes – Combining and controlling up to four characters at a time, players can test out different team combinations to find their perfect crew. •Futuristic Weapons and Pets – With more than 100 distinctive items, players can utilize laser swords, iconic blasters and even a pet tiger. Level up and learn new skills to help take on sinister foes.•Battle Bullying Bosses – Players and their ragtag group of fighters need to stay on their toes to figure out a way to beat increasingly difficult and menacing Horde bosses. •Lots of Levels, Even More Loot – Maneuvering through more than 40 levels, including battle arenas, players can develop strategies and find rare, powerful items to aid in their mission.•Play With Friends – Players can team up with friends in asynchronous Social Raids to get fuel and loot, or share valuable gifts to beef up solo and team battles.Contact Majesco Entertainment:•Facebook: facebook.com/SciFiHeroes•Twitter: @scifiheroesgame•Web: scifiheroes.comThanks for downloading and please don't forget to rate our game.
Sci-Fi Heroes
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[Top Free games]Bike Race Free by Top Free Games - Top Free Games
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Drive your bike through amazing tracks with jumps and loops in this simple and fast-paced physics-based game. Multiplayer! You can challenge your Facebook friends! Tilt your device to lean your bike and touch the screen to accelerate/brake. Features: - Single and multiplayer modes - Simple controls - Earn stars to unlock new levels - 9 addictive worlds - 72 challenging tracks - Touch to accelerate, tilt to lean the bike By the creators of the #1 game in the app store Racing Penguin Free for a limited time! © © Top Free Games |
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[top paid iphone games]Empires: World War - Midverse Studios
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** LIMITED TIME 50% launch sale $ 0.99! ** Build your Military Empire from WWI to WWIII and on to the New Beginning and get ready for global domination! Control your air, navy and army forces to complete missions and campaign through the world wars to become the most powerful Empire! Experience Panzer tanks to Hydrogen Bombs, and take control of your own military! Empires: World War features: *Upgrade Military technologies to advance from World War I to New beginning *Battle thousands of other Empires: World War players *Experience awesome weapons from machine guns to atomic bombs *Awesome Graphics *Collect Dozens of Army, Navy, Airforce Units *Invite friends to make stronger Empire Note: Empires: World War is an online game and requires an Internet connection to play. © © 2012 Midverse Studios, Inc. |
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[top free apps]Snapchat - Snapchat, Inc.
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Real-time picture chatting is finally available on iPhone! Snapchat is the fastest way to share a moment with friends. You control how long your friends can view your message – simply set the timer up to ten seconds and send. They'll have that long to view your message and then it disappears forever. We'll let you know if they take a screenshot! Build relationships, collect points, and view your best friends. Snapchat is instantly fun and insanely playful. Show your friends how clever you can be and enjoy the lightness of being! ***** Snapchat welcomes and appreciates any questions or feedback! :) Write us an email: support@snapchat.com or send us a Snap: teamsnapchat We'll do our best to get back to you within 24 hours. Follow us on Twitter: @snapchat Enjoy! Team Snapchat © © Snapchat, Inc. |
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[paid to free apps]Price Drop: pixntell (Photography)
pixntell 1.2
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Photography
Price: $ .99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes)
Every pix has a story...tell yours!™Pixntell adds your voice to your pictures and creates a personalized video you can share on Facebook, YouTube or email!How to use pixntell: 1. Choose photos from your library or take photos with pixntell. 2. Arrange photos in any order you wish. 3. Record your message as you swipe through the photos. 4. Turn photos and voice recording into a video. 5. Share with friends via Facebook, YouTube or email.You can create fun and interesting videos using only your iPhone from anywhere. Relax your inner comic, show everybody the great storyteller you are, have a blast!Features✩ Simple and easy to use✩ Upload videos directly to Facebook✩ Upload videos directly to YouTube✩ Intuitive controls similar to top selling apps✩ Creates .m4v movies out of your voice and pictures✩ Get more "likes" and "shares" on your Facebook posts✩ Share stories with old photos✩ Reconnect with old friends and family✩ Create a great time capsule
What's New
1. Completely redesigned interface that is more efficient and intuitive. 2. Import photos by date, with one simple action.3. Import most recent photos (e.g. last 10 photos).4. Larger on screen images, making it easier to edit.Tell your storyTMPixnTell adds your voice to your pictures and creates a personalized video you can share on Facebook, YouTube or email! Create an unlimited number of videos using up to 5 pictures for FREE - to use more than 5 pictures in a video you must upgrade for 99 cents.How to use PixnTell:1. Pick Your Pix: Choose from your existing library of images on your iPad or iPhone, or take new pictures as you go.2. Sort How You Like: Once you have selected your pictures, you can re-order them to your heart's desire. Even delete them if you change your mind.3. Say What You Want: Once you have your timeline finalized, record your voice or music over your photos.4. Save & Share: Save your video, and share it with friends and family on Facebook, Youtube, or through email as an .mp4 file. You can create fun and interesting videos using only your iPhone from anywhere. Release your inner comic, show everyone the great storyteller you are, have a blast!Features- Simple and easy to use- Upload videos directly to Facebook- Upload videos directly to YouTube- Intuitive controls similar to top selling apps- Creates .m4v movies out of your voice and pictures- Get more "likes" and "shares" on your Facebook posts - Share stories with old photos- Reconnect with old friends and family- Create a great time capsule
Read more... http://freeiphoneappsgames.iphone5releasenews.info/paid-to-free-appsprice-drop-pixntell-photography/
Price Drop: iEMICalc Pro (Utilities)
iEMICalc Pro 1.1
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Utilities
Price: $ .99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)
About iEMICalc Pro:This application calculates the EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) for any amount entered by user. User can choose his currency, can change the Loan amount/Interest Rate/Loan Tenure any time and application will automatically calculates the new EMI. It shows the total cost of the loan and the total interest paid by user as well.More importantly it shows the Payment Schedule (EMI details). User can see the breakup of each EMI to be paid to find out its principal and interest component. This data will help user to decide the most appropriate EMI for him.Overall this is a great application for the finance people, for those who are planning to take a loan or for educational purposes.iEMICalc Pro is an ads free application.Disclaimer : All calculations made in this application are based on a standard formula. You should consult your financial advisor before taking any decision. Application developer disclaims any responsibility for any decision taken based on these calculations.
What's New
- Support for iPhone 5's 4 inch display.
iEMICalc Pro
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[New iphone apps] New: Private Text (Free Reader Edition) - Keep your chats secure (Lifestyle)
Private Text (Free Reader Edition) - Keep your chats secure 2.2
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 2.2 (iTunes)
KEEP YOUR TEXT MESSAGES PRIVATEReceive secure SMS messages with this FREE version.Upgrade to the FULL VERSION so you can reply or send your own private messages.Today, anyone with access to your device can view your entire message history. They can see every TEXT message you have sent and received. Download PRIVATE TEXT and add privacy to prevent people from snooping through your text message history.INTRUDER ALERTSFind out WHO tried to see your private texts. See a picture of their face, and where they were when tried to get access to your private texts.SIMPLE TO RECEIVE+ Just clicks on the message and the app will automatically launch and begin decoding the message.NO HIDDEN FEES+ Download the app & send unlimited messages!+ The app does not charge any additional fees. You only pay your regular carrier charges to send regular SMS/Text messages.100% COMPATIBLE+ Runs on iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone+ Works with SMS and iMessage+ Works with Emoji+ Works with Group Messaging
Private Text (Free Reader Edition) - Keep your chats secure
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[Popular Updated Apps]Update: 1Color CAM - Splash your photos LIVE (Photography)
1Color CAM - Splash your photos LIVE 2.01
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Photography
Price: Free, Version: 2.00 -> 2.01 (iTunes)
Welcome to "1Color Cam PRO"! A fast and full functional App to make your photos look colored. Again a 1MB App! Just have a look at the amazing screenshots! It's easy and it is real fun.If you have any ideas or question feel free and write a recension.************************************************If you need any help please contact us:http://www.buchmix.de/orbit-software/************************************************
What's New
- bug fixes
1Color CAM - Splash your photos LIVE
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[Popular New Apps]SchneeAlarm (Weather)
SchneeAlarm 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Weather
Price: $ .99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
Erhalten Sie aktuelle Schnee-, Frost-, und Glätte-Warnungen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes per Push-Benachrichtigung.Seien Sie immer rechtzeitig gewarnt vor Schnee, Frost oder Glatteis und reagieren Sie frühzeitig auf markante Wettersituationen.Features• Über 400 Städte und Regionen in ganz Deutschland verfügbar• Push-Benachrichtigungen für bis zu fünf Regionen gleichzeitig• Frei einstellbare Warnstufe für Benachrichtigungen• Kein Abo oder Folgekosten• Universal App für iPhone und iPad• Teilen von Warnungen via Facebook, E-Mail und Twitter
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[Popular New Apps]Monster Warlord (Games)
Monster Warlord 1.0.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)
Catch Monsters and Defeat Your Enemies! Welcome to the wonderful world of Monster Warlord. Here, your guide Mika will help you as you embark on your journey in this strange new world. Along the way, you'll have to complete quests as mysterious monsters appear before you. Your objective is to capture the strongest and rarest monsters. But watch out! Around every corner lurk other players who want to challenge the strength of you and your monster! FEATURES COLLECT HUNDREDS OF DIFFERENT MONSTERS!Collect a wide variety of monsters from fire, water, wind, earth and darkness- that you can either purchase or find during quest missions! There are also rare and mysterious monsters that you can catch during quests and battles! Each monster comes with their own special attributes- so the more the merrier! COMBINE MONSTERS AND UPGRADE! Combine two monsters to create one extraordinary monster! The combinations are endless with six different classes of monsters as well as a wide expanse of rare and uncommon monsters! JOIN CLANS AND GET SOCIAL! Join alliances with other players and become clansmen! Move together as one united force and seek revenge for your fallen monsters and beat bosses together! ULTIMATE BOSS BATTLES! Attack evil bosses with your clansmen and share the benefits of victory together! You can even summon a boss to challenge you and your friends to earn points and unlock rewards! ACHIEVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GET REWARDS!With each completed quest and battle, you can unlock different accomplishments. You'll be rewarded handsomely with new and rare items, experience points and skill points!───────────────────── NEWS & EVENTS Website http://www.gamevil.com Facebook http://facebook.com/gamevil Twitter http://twitter.com/gamevil YouTube http://youtube.com/gamevil
Monster Warlord
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[Top Free games]Flow Free - Big Duck Games LLC
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Flow Free is a simple yet addictive puzzle game. Connect matching colors with pipe to create a flow. Pair all colors, and cover the entire board to solve each puzzle. But watch out, pipes will break if they cross or overlap! Free play through hundreds of levels, or race against the clock in Time Trial mode. Gameplay ranges from simple and relaxed, to challenging and frenetic, and everywhere in between. How you play is up to you. So, give Flow Free a try, and experience "mind like water"! *** Flow Free features *** * Content - 750 free levels available in Free Play mode - 10 different board sizes - Free Classic, Bonus, 8x8 Mania, 9x9 Mania, and Jumbo level packs - Additional level packs available for purchase * Challenge - Game Center achievements as you solve levels and complete packs - Track your completion of each level in Free Play mode - Strive for accuracy in Free Play using the fewest, most efficient moves - Strive for speed in Time Trial for the most and fastest solves - 20 scored Time Trial variants to choose from by board size and duration * Look & Feel - Smooth, polished touch interaction - Colorful UI - Fun sound effects - Clean vector graphics and animations - Labels available for color impaired players Enjoy. Version history: 1.4 - New levels and features 1.3 - Hints and Retina support 1.2 - New levels and features 1.1 - Minor bug fixes 1.0 - Initial release © © 2012 Big Duck Games LLC |
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[top paid iphone games]Minecraft – Pocket Edition - Mojang
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The latest update includes crafting, chests, creepers and beds! Imagine it, build it. Create worlds on the go with Minecraft - Pocket Edition Minecraft - Pocket Edition allows you to build on the go. Use blocks to create masterpieces as you travel, hangout with friends, sit at the park, the possibilities are endless. Move beyond the limits of your computer and play Minecraft everywhere you go. * Crafting * Randomized worlds * Build anything you can imagine * Build with several different kinds of blocks * Invite and play with friends to your world (local wireless network) * Save multi-player worlds on your own phone © © Mojang AB |
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[top free apps]Electoral Vote Polls - Dubbele.com
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Electoral-Vote.com tracks the poll numbers for upcoming Senate and House elections. The site was immensely popular in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010, ranking in the top 1000 Websites in the world and the top 10 blogs in the world, with about 700,000 visitors a day. In some surveys, it was the most popular election site in the country. In 2006, it tracked the Senate and House elections. In 2008, it tracked the presidential and congressional races and was getting over 1 million visitors a day at the end. In 2010 it followed the Senate and House races. Now it is looking at the Presidential, Senate races and House races for 2012. You can now stay up to date on the latest poll numbers for the Presidential and Senate races on you iPhone! © © 2010, 2012 Dubbele.com |
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[paid to free apps]Price Drop: Estimates (Productivity)
Estimates 1.2
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Productivity
Price: $ 9.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes)
Time Tracking for creatives. Using a technique called Evidence Based Scheduling we help you to improve your estimation skills. Try it. It's magical.Manage your to-dos in a simple hierarchy of tasks and projects. Estimate how long it will take you to complete them. We help you by providing a list of similar tasks from your history — peek into one to get a better feel for the task at hand.With Estimates it's easy to keep an eye on your progress. Track one task at a time or multiple at once. Punch the clock and get working, come back and mark the task as finished when you are done. Our project graph helps you to see if you are still on track.Once you finish a task, we give you instant feedback about the quality of your estimate. Become better and send higher quality quotes to clients. The app learns as well — the more you use Estimates, the more accurate the project graph becomes.
What's New
* Help getting started and explanation of the project graph* iOS 6 and iPhone 5 readiness* The project graph and finished project view show sums of the estimated and tracked time* Estimates is now free with an optional In-App purchase to unlock multiple active projects. If you've bought the app, please contact support to find a solution.* Various improvements and fixes
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Price Drop: St Peters Basilica Audio Tour for iPhone (Travel)
St Peters Basilica Audio Tour for iPhone 1.1
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Travel
Price: $ 5.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)
Who wants their nose in a book when there is so much to see? We will take you by the hand!See it. Tap it. Learn it.Awesome Audio Tours, INCwww.awesomeaudiotours.comYou COULD get an audioguide when you get there, but theirs has no pictures, no videos, no maps, no journal, no great stories, you can't take it with you, and you will pay more for it. Why pay more to explore?About Us:Awesome Audio Tours and Video Tours are produced by art historians, artists, archeologists, translators, native tongue speakers, professional tour guides, and iPhone application developers to give you the optimum experience along your travels. Not just boring names and dates here! We provide the fascinating stories about these amazing sites, carried in the palm of your hand, leaving you with an unforgettable experience. Our Audio and Video Guides are the closest you can get to having an actual tour guide with you, at a FRACTION of the Cost of local tour guides! Our easy to use Audio Tours and Video Tours combine innovative ideas with rich and riveting content to keep you entertained and wanting more. We aim to make the services of costly "Local Tour Guides" extinct. With Awesome Audio Tours, you get the same tour at less than 5% of the cost of a local tour guide and with our "Site Information Page" on the application we will give YOU all the information you need to SKIP THE LINES all on your own; and there is no need to carry a heavy travel book with you when you indulge yourself with the amazing interface and content that Awesome Audio Tours offers. Compatability: iOS 3.2 or higher, iPhone/iPodTouch29.7 MB MB total containmentTour: AudioguideDuration: 45 minutes of collective Audio TracksAudio Tracks: 10Language: EnglishType: AUDIO GUIDEBonus Information: Full Page Text of site informationTopics:-The Beginning and Emperor Nero -The Constantine Basilica-Julius II and the New St. Peter's Basilica-Architects of the Church-St. Peter's Square-The Legend of the Obelisk-La Pieta-Michelangelo's only signature-The Heart of the Church-Michelangelo's Dome-St. Peter's Tomb-The Relics of the Vatican -Bernini's Baldachino-The Legacy of the Barberini-Altarpieces of the Church-The "Leonine City"-The Independence of the Smallest Country in the WorldBonus Site Information-Sacred Bronze Statue of St. Peter-Papal Tombs and Catacombs of Vatican City-Monument of Pope Alexander VII-The Vatican Treasury-Climbing Michelangelo's DomeElements of Our Audio Guides:-Easy to use Maps to help you get your bearings.-Picture Navigation Controls - uses pictures as your navigation so you know what will be discussed-Color Coded and Numbered Route Suggestions for the fastest and easiest route through the sites-Self-guided ability- Your own Route at Your own Pace. -Audio Recordings-Full Playback Control on all Audio Files -Full Text Pages on all of our Audio Guides-Unique "My Travel Journal" to record your thoughts along your travels! -Site Information- Hours of Operation, Ticket Costs, and phone numbers of the sites-100% Self Contained Content- no Data Services or Roaming charges will apply!-Bonus Site Information - Extra Site Information in Full Text with our same unique style-Metro Map - Site Location information including a metro map with the location marked, and bus lines to takeDisability Accessibility:-Audio Recordings for the visually impaired -Full Text pages and Photos for the hearing impaired
What's New
iTunes Artwork
St Peters Basilica Audio Tour for iPhone
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[New iphone apps] Update: 1-2-3 Picture Booth - LIVE Cam with Color Effects (Photography)
1-2-3 Picture Booth - LIVE Cam with Color Effects 2.64
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Photography
Price: Free, Version: 2.63 -> 2.64 (iTunes)
Welcome to "Picture Booth"! An App to make your photos look funny, colored and awesome. Just look at the screenshots.Capture your photos LIVE and add one great coloreffect to your view. Just one simple click and save your photo to your photo album.Just have a look at the amazing screenshots! It's easy and it is real fun.If you have any ideas or question feel free and write a recension.************************************************If you need any help or you have questions please contact us:http://www.buchmix.de/orbit-software/************************************************
What's New
- new commercial view
1-2-3 Picture Booth - LIVE Cam with Color Effects
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[Popular Updated Apps]Price Drop: RunWatch GPS Running Watch for tracking, mapping and memorizing routes (Healthcare & Fitness)
RunWatch GPS Running Watch for tracking, mapping and memorizing routes 1.0
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: $ .99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
*****ON SALE***** **FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME** Aimed at users who require top-class GPS navigation directions and easy route management for fitness, RunWatch, the best running app for outdoor running will help you run faster, be healthier and live longer. It can be used for cycling, running, walking and more. RunWatch continually records your time, location, speed, calorie and these data will be presented intuitively to help you manage your fitness better. All of your runs will be organized by routes and date. Statistics will be summarized by month and week. Accurate yet Battery Saving -This app works outdoor only. After you launch RunWatch, wait for good GPS reception before start. -Track your run - including your path, speed, time and calorie with very accuracy. -Dynamic GPS filtering. -Run your existing routes and set your path as official route. -No worries about draining the battery: you can lock the app with the screen turned off. Intuitive User Interface -Easy-to-use timer that shows time, distance and burned calories for your current session. -Built-in map support for displaying your routes and runs. -Lock screen when running to save battery. -Distance markers on your route. -Calendar showing your runs with symbols. -Monthly and Weekly summary for your total distance, time and burned calories. -Manage your daily log by route. -Showing your routes with thumbnails. -Support both metric and English mile units. Improve Your Result -Compare any of your runs with the official route and try to improve it every day. -Summarize your total distance, time and burned calories by month. -Backup data to PC and restore it as you need. Take your fitness to a new level with RunWatch! Please write to us before leaving negative reviews, as we can often help with your problem or help you better use the app. If you have any problem or suggestions please send a mail to gpswatch@bhi-technologies.com, and you will get the response and solution in a short time.
RunWatch GPS Running Watch for tracking, mapping and memorizing routes
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[Popular New Apps]CloudClipboard (Productivity)
CloudClipboard 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $ 2.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
Manage and sync your Clipboard with ease.☁ Sync Clipboard over iCloud CloudClipboard syncs your clipboard between iPhone, iPad and iPod touch with the power of iCloud.☁ Store any Content Store texts, web clips, links, images, phone numbers, messages, etc. Edit it as you want and send it back to any other app on your device.☁ Store Web Clips Just copy any part of the page in Safari and it is saved into CloudClipboard with the same style and images.☁ Auto-paste in Background Your system clipboard's content is automatically pasted into CloudClipboard, even if you are using other applications.☁ Uses existing iCloud storage When you sign up for iCloud, you automatically get 5GB of free storage. And that's plenty of room, because of the way CloudClipboard stores your content in iCloud. In order to use this application, you have to be running iOS 5.0+ with iCloud account set up.
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[Popular New Apps]SpinCraft (Games)
SpinCraft 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
Meet Pyp, the cute pizza boy in a wonderful adventure! Follow him and his loyal robotic friend ANVI in their quest for glory to become the fastest pizza delivery boys in the intergalactic pizza business. Collect all the crystals on the road to move forward and reach your customer as fast as you can. Explore the colorful universe through this console-quality 3D-platformer, and find all the hidden treasures. Upgrade your SpinCraft, discover new power-ups and unlock dozens of amazing skins! But beware! The road will be filled with traps and enemies you have to overcome to fulfill your quest! Compete with your friends and become the fastest delivery boy in the universe!FEATURES : · 20 Challenging levels with more to come · 5 Power-ups to upgrade · Customize your SpinCraft with over 20 unique skins! · Intense boss battles! · Plenty of traps and enemies to beat · Fantastic game world with colorful 3D graphics -------------------------------CURIOUS? More info on: -------------------------------bulkypix.comfacebook.com/Bulkypixtwitter.com/Bulkypixyoutube.com/Bulkypix
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[Top Free games]WordSearch Unlimited Free - VirtueSoft.com
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The latest version support selecting word by tapping the first and the last letter of the word. This is the lite version, get the full version with lots more features: - 3 game levels, up to 16 hidden words - Word lists from popular categories - Word lists with foreign words - Advertisements free WordSearch Unlimited is one of the best word puzzle games in the App Store. Play unlimited high quality puzzles, with themes you like. WordSearch Unlimited is the one you are looking for. Features: - Unlimited puzzles: each puzzle is unique - Customizable Themes - Auto save game state on exit - Local scoreboard - Email to friends Themes: - Pencil on paper - Chalk on blackboard - White grid & Black grid - Custom theme: customizable color and background. Word Lists: - Standard English words - Food & Drink - Fruit & Vegetable - Family - Boy names - Girl names - Colors - Body parts - Clothes - World countries More Word Lists in the full version: - Basic, standard English words - SAT vocabulary, GRE vocabulary - Animals - Sports - Music & Instruments - Transport - Weapons - Weather - German words - French words - Spanish words - Italian words © © VirtueSoft.com |
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[top paid iphone games]Plague Inc. - Ndemic Creations
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★★★★★ #1 top iPhone and iPad game globally with 25 million+ games played ★★★★★ Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Can you infect the world? Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero'. Now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself. Brilliantly executed with innovative gameplay and built from the ground up for the iPhone & iPad, Plague Inc. evolves the strategy genre and pushes mobile gaming (and you) to new levels. It's You vs. the world - only the strongest can survive! **** Plague Inc. is a global hit with over 100 thousand 5 star ratings and features in newspapers such as The Economist, New York Post, Boston Herald, The Guardian and London Metro! ▶ "Plague Inc will snag your attention in all the right ways and keep it there" - Touch Arcade ▶ "No denying Plague Inc.'s high-level of quality" - Modojo ▶ "Plague Inc. should not be as much fun as it is" – London Metro ▶ "Will leave you hoping to destroy the world, all in the name of a bit of fun" – Pocket Lint ▶ "Plague Inc will bring out the evil side of any gamer with its goal of creating a super virus capable of wiping out the entire human population" – G4tv ▶ "Plague Inc.'s gameplay is infectious" - Slide to Play ▶ "Killing billions has never been so fun" – IGN **** Features: ✓ Stunning retina graphics with a highly polished interface (Contagion guaranteed) ✓ Highly detailed, hyper-realistic world with advanced AI (Outbreak management) ✓ Comprehensive in-game help and tutorial system (I am Legendarily helpful) ✓ 11 different disease types with radically different strategies to master (11 Monkeys?) ✓ Full Save/Load functionality (28 Saves Later!) ✓ 50+ countries to infect, hundreds of traits to evolve, thousands of world events to adapt to (Pandemic evolved) ✓ Game support for scoreboards and achievements Compatible with iPad (all), iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, iPod touch (3rd & 4th). Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Localised in English and German. P.S. Give yourself a pat on the back if you got all the themed literature references! ★★Special sale price to celebrate 1.5 million downloads!★★ **** We are currently hard at work on Mutation (update) 5 which will add the much requested zombie Plague Type and also make full use of the iPhone 5 screen. Become a fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ndemic.Creations Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/NdemicCreations © © 2011, Ndemic Creations LTD |
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[top free apps]CNN App for iPhone - CNN Interactive Group, Inc.
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CNN connects you to the world, wherever you are. Stay informed with the latest headlines and original stories from around the globe. Follow up-to-the-minute reporting with breaking news alerts and live video. Lead the conversation by sharing news and dig deeper into the stories that matter most to you. • Get breaking news alerts and follow stories as they develop. • Go beyond the surface with international, politics, opinion, tech and entertainment stories and more. • Watch video clips and coverage of live events as they unfold. View your favorite CNN shows LIVE (as available; check with your cable, satellite or telco provider).* • Contribute your story or opinion to CNN iReport by uploading photos and video directly from your app. Follow other iReporters and see stories from their point of view. • Choose the font size that most appeals to you. * Make sure your phone is not on vibrate and the volume is turned up for the best possible video experience. Have questions or feedback on the CNN App? E-mail us at iPhone@cnn.com. We are always looking for suggestions on how to provide the best experience possible for you. © © 2012 CNN Interactive Group, Inc. |
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